Rat Trap
Get rid of rats in your home
Do you also have a rat problem at home? Rats are famous for stealing food,...

Open Green Energy makes Useful DIY Projects on Arduino and Solar Energy
I am a DIY hobbyist by passion and a power Engineer by profession. Most of my works are related to Solar Energy and Arduino. My main goal is to provide basic need of electricity and improve the socio-economic positions of rural people. So I work hard to make open source product to generate, harvest and store clean energy.
Apart from Electronics I love 3D printing, Woodworking and to make crafts from used household stuff.
Get rid of rats in your home
Do you also have a rat problem at home? Rats are famous for stealing food,...
from dooiy
Think of dooiy as a mix of Instructables, You Tube and Pinterest but with detailed instructions and business models that are relevant to people in underserved communities and doable with local resources.
For our partners, we provide a digital platform to reach more people, connect with other organizations and easily create high-quality content
For our users we provide easy and fun hacks that make life better. Just follow our simple step-by-step guides and create something for your home or community with little materials and tools. Want to start a business? dooiy might be the perfect starting point for you.