Moss Air Purifier
Breathe clean.
This affordable moss air purifier is an innovative solution designed...

Make fancy furniture from cardboard.
Done in | 6 hours |
Skill level | medium |
The seat can withstand a maximum load of 60 kg.
Published under CC:BY-SA by
1516 Green Energy TechnologyIn total, you will need 32 chair legs and 32 table legs.
Note: The unit on the drawing is mm.
Use a cutter.
Draw a circle like shown on the cardboard. Cut it out with the cutter.
Note: If you do not have a large compass to draw a circle, you can use a fixed nail in the center of the circle, connect the nail with a wire with length exactly equal to the radius of the circle. Connect the wire to the pen, then rotate the pen in an even circle around the center to draw a circle.
Draw 2 perpendicular lines through the center of the circle. Then bisect the arcs formed by the 2 perpendicular lines.
Continue to divide the smaller arcs until there are 32 straight lines corresponding to 32 positions for 32 table legs and chair legs. In the end, your table top and your chair top have to look like this:
Make 3 round discs for the table and 3 round discs for the chair with the radius as shown in the pictures.
Continue to draw the dividing lines from the table top so that the 3 round discs will be devided into 32 equal parts as shown in the picture. Repeat it with the 3 discs of the top of the chair.
The width of the slit has to be equal to the thickness of the cardboard.
Use glue, respectively, to fix 32 table legs and chair legs to the table surface according to the drawn line.
Insert the discs into the legs.
Breathe clean.
This affordable moss air purifier is an innovative solution designed...
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