Effective Microorganisms
The perfect organic fertilizer.
Yes, the name of this hack already sounds very difficult. But effective...

Manure tea is a cheap and sustainable way to fertilize your crops. It provides plants with healthy nutrients to flourish. A very good alternative to chemical fertilizers!
Done in | 60 mins |
Skill level | easy |
Published under CC:BY-SA by
AAVF - African Association for Vertical FarmingUse a lid to cover the bucket.
Remove the sack from the bucket. The tea should have a strong pungent smell.
Apply the manure tea at a ratio of 1:10. That means that you use one liter of manure tea in 10 liters of water. Do only apply on the soil. Don’t put the tea on your vegetables.
The perfect organic fertilizer.
Yes, the name of this hack already sounds very difficult. But effective...
What you can do in the case of fire
Fires happen very often, especially in informal settlements.
What to do in the case of rape
This is not a fun hack, but a very important one. Rape is the crime of...
Have fun and exercise
Skipping ropes are a great training tool – for your kids and for you.
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