Compost Heap
Make your own soil conditioner
Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed in a process called...

Growing Squash, Pumpkin and Melons from seeds
Done in | 1 hour |
Skill level | easy |
Squash, pumkin and melons can be grown from seeds that are sown directly into a bed. Learn here how.
Published under CC:BY-SA by
Abalimi BezekhayaBuy them or take dried melon, pumpkin or squash seeds.
Squash, pumkin and melons need a lot of space and nutrients. In normal garden beds you have to give them quite a lot of space. If you have a high bed or use biochar, you can plant closer.
You can also add a handful of bonemeal or fertilizer.
Keep the strongest plant in each hole.
Make your own soil conditioner
Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed in a process called...
The perfect organic fertilizer.
Yes, the name of this hack already sounds very difficult. But effective...
Growing Peas, Beans and Mielies from seeds
Peas, beans and mielies can be grown from seeds that are sown
Easy recipe, saving 15 min. of gas/electricity
Utilize your smart cooker box , smart cooker from blankets, or wonderbag for...
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