Fire Extinguisher
Keep your home and family safe
With a few cheap things from your household, you can make a foam fire...
Hacks to protect yourself, your family and your home
Keep your home and family safe
With a few cheap things from your household, you can make a foam fire...
11 Tips for a safer home
Find out how safe you and your family members are in your home.
8 Tips for a safer home
Paraffin is not a very safe method of cooking or lighting. If you use it,...
Prevent a fire at your home
Fires happen very often, especially in informal settlements.
What you can do in the case of fire
Fires happen very often, especially in informal settlements.
What to do in the case of rape
This is not a fun hack, but a very important one. Rape is the crime of...
Protect your home from fire
Candles are not a very safe way of lighting and often cause fires.