Smart Cooker Box
Slow cook your food and save lots of electricity
A smart cooker uses heat retention to insulate a pot that has been brought...

The environmental education programme of the City of Cape Town
The Smart Living Education Centre in Green Point is operated by the City of Cape Town’s Environmental Management Department. The team is dedicated to providing education and training on smart living and eco-friendly practices. The diverse programmes cover topics ranging from water conservation, waste minimisation, electricity savings and safety to sustainable transportation and are tailored for both City employees and citizens.
Download the Smart Living Handbook here.
Slow cook your food and save lots of electricity
A smart cooker uses heat retention to insulate a pot that has been brought...
Water-saving hand washing
An easy and fun method of handwashing, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
Easy recipe, saving 15 min. of gas/electricity
Utilize your smart cooker box , smart cooker from blankets, or wonderbag for...
11 Tips for a safer home
Find out how safe you and your family members are in your home.
Easy recipe, saving 30 min. of gas/electricity
Utilize your smart cooker box , smart cooker from blankets, or wonderbag for...
Saving at least 45 min. of gas/electricity
Utilize your smart cooker box , smart cooker from blankets, or wonderbag for...
6 Tips for a safer home
8 Tips for a safer home
Paraffin is not a very safe method of cooking or lighting. If you use it,...
Easy recipe, saving 30 min. of gas/electricity
Utilize your smart cooker box , smart cooker from blankets, or wonderbag for...
Easy recipe
Utilize your smart cooker box , smart cooker from blankets, or wonderbag for...
Easy recipe, saving 45 min. of gas/electricity
Utilize your smart cooker box , smart cooker from blankets, or wonderbag for...
Easy recipe, saving 45 min. of gas/electricity
Utilize your smart cooker box , smart cooker from blankets, or wonderbag for...
Combat ants in your home using environmentally friendly methods
Combat cockroaches in your home using environmentally friendly methods
Easy recipe, saving 60 min. of gas/electricity
Utilize your smart cooker box , smart cooker from blankets, or wonderbag for...
Easy recipe, saving 45 min. of gas/electricity
Utilize your smart cooker box , smart cooker from blankets, or wonderbag for...
Easy recipe, saving 30 min. of gas/electricity
Utilize your smart cooker box , smart cooker from blankets, or wonderbag for...
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